Greetings and thanks for checking out our 3rd custom sample bank for the Korg Wavestate and Wavestate Native. We started working on this bank in 2022 and put it off several times when other projects got in the way. This new bank, "Odds & Ends" is all about samples of synth chord stabs, chord hits and synth drums. Odds & Ends includes 15 "true" multisamples where each multisample contains either 25, 49 or 61 audio samples which cover 2 octaves, 4 octaves and 5 full octaves. It also contains 14 "one shot" multisamples where just 1 sample is used and stretched across several octaves. There is also a synth drum kit mutlisample with 28 one shot drum samples and an acoustic hand claps multisample with 8 different clap samples. Some of the synths used to create the samples in this bank include the Sequential/Oberheim OB-6, Sequential Prophet Rev2, Korg Prologue 16, Korg MS-2000, and the Moog Sub37. Odds & Ends is our largest custom sample bank yet and contains 36 Multisamples comprised of 528 samples. The purchased download is 585 mb in size.
Many of the performances in Odds & Ends use the same multisamples in different configurations.
Single Layer: The different chord hit samples are selectable via the sample or pitch mod knobs.
Splits: Each layer or chord hit sample spans 2 or more octaves.
Combos: The performances with "combo" in the title have an added synth bass layered under the chord hits on the left and a poly synth for the right hand.
Multitimbral: "Multiple Odds I, II and III": These 3 performances use the Wavestate's multitimbral abilities. Each layer is assigned to a different midi channel. (Midi Channels 1, 2, 3, 4)
In an effort to keep the demos from becoming overly redundant, we have only created demonstrations for each chord hit sample once. Therefore, Odds & Ends contains 63 performances but the videos below only contain 41 demonstrations.