This page is still under construction: We're still adding the demonstration links to the performance names.


Bouncing Filters - 1 Layer - Animated Poly Synth - Uses the Synth Strg Octaves multisample which contains 49 samples. (4 Octaves) The multi filter is used with 2 LFOs in sample and hold mode modulating the cutoff and crossfade.

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff, Resonance & Filter Crossfade
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix and Time
Master - Filter Cutoff & Multi Filter Crossfade
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Mod FX Mix
Pitch - Unison Voices
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Delay FX Mix
Speed - Delay Beat Divisions, Filter & Amp LFO Rates

Dynamic Keys - 1 Layer - Piano/Keys - Uses the U3-P83 multisample which contains 61 samples. (5 octaves) Use the sample, pitch and shape knobs to enhance the orange phaser fx.

MW - Vibrato
AT - Tremolo & Pan LFO Mod
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Mod FX Mix
Pitch - Mod FX Rate
Shape - Mod FX Timbre (Resonance)
Gate - Filter LFO Amount
Step Seq - Amp & Pan LFOs Amount & Fade Time
Speed - Amp & Pan LFO Rates

Filthy Syn Lead - 1 Layer - Synth Lead - Uses the Syn Strings Sus multisample in 2 voice unison mono legato mode.

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - N.A.
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Pitch Envelope Amount
Pitch - Unison Detune Amount
Shape - Filter Envelope Attack
Gate - Portamento Time
Step Seq - Mod FX Mix
Speed - Filter & Amp LFOs Amount

Filthy Syn Strings - 1 Layer - Synth Strings - Uses the Syn Strings Sus multisample in 2 voice poly unison mode.

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - N.A.
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter LFO Amount
Pitch - Unison Detune Amount
Shape - Filter Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter Envelope Release
Step Seq - Delay FX Mix
Speed - Mod FX Mix & Rate

Inverse Poly Octaves - 1 Layer - Poly Synth - Uses the Synth Strg Octaves & Space Age Pluck multisamples. Selectable via the sample mod knob.

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Cutoff & Amp Envelope Sustain
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Sample Lane Step Select
Pitch - Unison Voices Amount
Shape - Filter & Amp Envelopes Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelopes Release
Step Seq - Mod FX Mix
Speed - Mod FX Rate

Keys Chords - 4 Layers - Chord Hits - Uses the U3-P83 multisample. All 4 layers are used to create 1 finger chords. Change the chord using the pitch performance mod knob. Change layer A and C octaves using the pitch layer mod knobs. Available Chords - (min7/11, min7, maj7, sus4)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Tremolo & Pan LFO Mod
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Mod FX Mix
Pitch - Pitch Lane Step Select
Shape - Mod FX Timbre (Resonance)
Gate - Filter LFO Amount
Step Seq - Amp & Pan LFOs Amount & Fade Time
Speed - Amp & Pan LFOs Rate

Maj7 Twins - Chord Hits - 2 Layers - Uses 2 different samples of a Maj7 chord hit for a wide stereo image. Available Chords - (2 maj7 chords from samples of different synth patches)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter LFO Amount
Pitch - Fine Tune
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp & Filter Envelopes Release
Step Seq - Pitch Envelope Amount
Speed - Mod FX Rate

Mellow Hits - Combo - 4 Layers - Chord Hits - Uses 2 different chord hit samples for a wide stereo image and an interesting chord voicing. Layer C provides a simple synth bass sound under the chord hits and layer D offers a poly synth strings sound. Available Chords - (min, maj9 transposed down 2 semitones)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter LFO Depth & Fine Tune
JSX - N.A.
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Delay FX Mix & Sample Lane Step Select
Pitch - Portamento Time
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp Envelopes Release
Step Seq - Mod FX Mix
Speed - Mod FX Rate

Mellow St Two Hit - 2 Layers - Chord Hits - Uses 2 different samples of a Maj7 chord hit for a wide stereo image. Layer C provides a simple bass sound under the chord hits. Available Chords - (min, maj9 transposed down 2 semitones)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter LFO Depth & Fine Tune
JSX - N.A.
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Delay FX Mix
Pitch - Portamento Time
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Mod FX Mix
Speed - Mod FX Rate

Multiple Odds - 4 Layers - Multitimbral Setup - This performance offers:
(Midi Ch 1) Poly Synth Wave Sequence Using Chord Hits - "Tite Uni Wave Seq"
(Midi Ch 2) Drums - "Synth Kit"
(Midi Ch 3) Synth Bass - "Space Age Plucks"
(Midi Ch 4) Synth Strings - "Filthy Syn Strings"

MW - Vibrato & Filter Cutoff
AT - Filter Cutoff & Shape Offset
JSX - Pan
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Mod FX Mix
Pitch - Unison Voices & Transpose
Shape - Shape Lane, Amp Envelope Decay/Sustain, Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO AMount & Delay FX Mix
Speed - Timing Lane Speed, Filter LFO Rate & Mod FX Rate

Multiple Odds II - 4 Layers - Multitimbral Setup - This performance offers:
(Midi Ch 1) Acoustic Claps - "Robust Claps"
(Midi Ch 2) Drums - "Synth Kit"
(Midi Ch 3) Poly Synth - "Poly Octaves"
(Midi Ch 4) Synth Keys - "U3-P83 Keys"

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff & Amp Env Sustain, Tremolo & Pan LFO Mod
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff, Filter Cutoff, Resonance & Delay FX Mix
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Mod FX Mix
Pitch - Transpose
Shape - Amp Envelope & Mod FX Timbre(Resonance)
Gate - Amp Envelope Release & Filter LFO Amount
Step Seq - Amp & Pan LFOs Amount and Fade Time
Speed - Amp & Pan LFOs Rate

Multiple Odds III - 4 Layers - Multitimbral Setup - This performance offers:
(Midi Ch 1) Drums - "Synth Kit"
(Midi Ch 2) Synth Bass - "Simple Bass"
(Midi Ch 3) Synth Lead - "Filthy Syn Lead"
(Midi Ch 4) Strings Hit - "Strings Hit (min7 chord)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff, Resonance & Delay FX Mix
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Sample Lane Step Select, Pitch Env Depth & Unison Detune Amount
Pitch - Transpose, Unsion Detune & Portamento Time
Shape - Amp & Filter Envelopes
Gate - Amp Envelope & Portamento Time
Step Seq - Mod FX Mix & Delay FX Mix
Speed - Filter & Amp LFO Depth & Mod FX Mix

Poly Octaves - 1 Layer - Poly Synth - Uses the Synth Strg Octaves multisample.

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Cutoff & Amp Env Sustain
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter & Amp LFO Amount
Pitch - Pitch Envelope Amount
Shape - Filter & Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Filter & Amp LFO Rates
Speed - Pitch Envelope Decay Time

Poly Octaves Arp - 1 Layer - Arpeggio - Uses the Synth Strg Octaves multisample.

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff & Portamento Time
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter Cutoff & Filter/Amp LFOs Amount
Pitch - Unison Voices & Unison Parameters
Shape - Filter Envelope Attack, Filter & Pitch Envelopes Decay
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Random Pan
Speed - Pan LFO Rate

PolyFluent - M6 & M9 - 2 Layers - Chord Hits - M6 and M9 chords combined in a stereo configuration. Built on a custom Prophet Rev2 patch called PolyFluent. Available Chords - (maj6, maj9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter LFO Amount
Pitch - Fine Tune
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Pitch Envelope Amount
Speed - Mod FX Rate

PolyFluent - M9 & M7 - 2 Layers - Chord Hits - M9 and M7 chords combined in a stereo configuration. Built on a custom Prophet Rev2 patch called PolyFluent. Available Chords - (maj7, maj9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter LFO Amount
Pitch - Fine Tune
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Pitch Envelope Amount
Speed - Mod FX Rate

PolyFluent - Maj6 - 1 Layer - Chord Hits - Maj6 chord hits built on a custom Prophet Rev2 patch called PolyFluent. Available Chords - (maj6)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Delay FX Mix
Pitch - Unison Voices
Shape - Filter Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Pitch Envelope Amount
Speed - Pitch Envelope Decay Time

PolyFluent - Maj7 - 1 Layer - Chord Hits - Maj7 chord hits built on a custom Prophet Rev2 patch called PolyFluent. Available Chords - (maj7)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Delay FX Mix
Pitch - Unison Voices
Shape - Filter Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Pitch Envelope Amount
Speed - Pitch Envelope Decay Time

PolyFluent - Maj9 - 1 Layer - Chord Hits - Maj9 chord hits built on a custom Prophet Rev2 patch called PolyFluent. Available Chords - (maj9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Delay FX Mix
Pitch - Unison Voices
Shape - Filter Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Pitch Envelope Amount
Speed - Pitch Envelope Decay Time

PolyFluent - Min7 - 1 Layer - Chord Hits - Min7 chord hits built on a custom Prophet Rev2 patch called PolyFluent. Available Chords - (min7)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Delay FX Mix
Pitch - Unison Voices
Shape - Filter Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Pitch Envelope Amount
Speed - Pitch Envelope Decay Time

PolyFluent 4 Chord Split - 4 Layers - Chord Hits - Built on a custom Prophet Rev2 patch called PolyFluent. 4 different chords in a split configuration. Available Chords - (Maj7, Min7, M6 and M9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - N.A.
Pitch - Unison Voices & Unison Parameters
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Delay FX Mix
Speed - Mod FX Rate

PolyFluent - Combo - 4 Layers - Built on the "PolyFluent" custom patch. Stereo chord hits with a synth bass layer on the left hand and filthy synth strings for the right hand. Available Chords - (Maj7, Min7, M6 and M9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Sample Lane Step Select
Pitch - Fine Tune
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Pitch Envelope Amount
Speed - Mod FX Rate

Ringing Synth Hit - 1 Layer - Chord Hit - Multiple synths combined and mixed down to create this 1 shot sample. Available Chords - (Min)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter LFO Amount
Pitch - Pitch Envelope Depth
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Delay FX Mix
Speed - Pitch Envelope Decay Time

Robust Claps - 1 Layer - Acoustic Hand Claps - Live hand claps, multitracked and combined to produce large group claps. (8 Samples)

MW - N.A.
AT - N.A.
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Reverb Mix
Pitch - Transpose
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - N.A.
Speed - N.A.

SFX-Falls the Hero I - 2 Layers - Sound FX - Musical sound effect with a falling fade in and a massive hit finish.

MW - Vibrato
AT - N.A.
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - N.A.
Pitch - N.A.
Shape - Amp Envelope Release
Gate - N.A.
Step Seq - N.A.
Speed - N.A.

SFX-Falls the Hero II - 1 Layer - Sound FX - Musical sound effect with a noisy fade in and large, sub bass hit finish.

MW - Vibrato
AT - N.A.
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Tremolo
Pitch - Pitch Env Depth
Shape - Delay FX Mix & Feedback
Gate - Pre FX Mix
Step Seq - Unison Detune
Speed - Pan LFO Depth

SFX-Falls the Hero III - 2 Layers - Sound FX - Musical sound effect with a noisy, increasingly detuned fade in and a huge, reverb drenched synth hit. We used the vector envelope to fade up the unison detune amount as well as to fade the reverb up when the synth hit drops. Note: The first time this sound is triggered after loading the vector envelope seems to be asleep. It doesn't fade up the unison detune amount and the reverb fade up is late. Subsequent notes seem to wake up the vector envelope and work as planned. Not sure if this is a bug or not and we haven't heard back from Korg about this issue yet.

MW - Vibrato
AT - N.A.
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Pitch LFO Depth & Unison Voices Count
Pitch - Pitch LFO Depth
Shape - N.A.
Gate - Amp LFO Depth
Step Seq - N.A.
Speed - Amp & Pitch LFO Rates

Sharp Hit Heavy - 1 Layer - Chord Hit - Multiple synths combined and mixed down to create this 1 shot sample. This "heavy" version contains lower bass notes in the sample. Available Chords - (Min)

MW - Vibrato
AT - N.A.
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voices & Unison Detune Amount
Pitch - Portamento Time
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Filter & Amp LFOs Depth
Speed - Filter & Amp LFOs Rate

Sharp Hit Lite - 1 Layer - Chord Hit - Multiple synths combined and mixed down to create this 1 shot sample. This "lite" version does not contain the lower bass notes in the sample. Available Chords - (Min)

MW - Vibrato
AT - N.A.
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voices & Unison Detune Amount
Pitch - Portamento Time
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Filter & Amp LFOs Depth
Speed - Filter & Amp LFOs Rate

Space Age Chords - 4 Layers - Chord Hits - Uses the Space Age Plucks multisample. All 4 layers are used to create 1 finger chords. Change the chord using the pitch performance mod knob. Change layer A and C to lower octaves using the pitch layer mod knobs. Available Chords - (sus2/7, min7, maj7, sus4)

MW - Vibrato & Filter Cutoff
AT - N.A.
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Mod FX Mix
Pitch - Pitch Lane Step Select & Transpose
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Mod FX Rate

Space Age Plucks - 1 Layer - Poly Synth - Uses the Space Age Plucks multisample.

MW - Vibrato & Filter Cutoff
AT - N.A.
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Mod FX Mix
Pitch - Unison Voices Parameters
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Delay FX Mix
Speed - Mod FX Rate

Stereo EP - Combo - 4 Layers - Stereo electric piano chord hits with a synth bass on the left hand and a poly synth on the right hand. Available Chords - (Maj)

MW - Vibrato & D Vibrato Rate
AT - Tremolo & D Filter Cutoff & Amp Env Sustain
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter LFO Amount & Sample Lane Step Select
Pitch - Fine Tune, Transpose Up 7 Semitones & Unison Voice Count
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack & Filter Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp & Filter Envelopes Release
Step Seq - Mod FX Mix
Speed - Mod FX Rate

Stereo EP Stabs - 2 Layers - Stereo electric piano chord hits. Available Chords - (Maj)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Tremolo
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter LFO Amount
Pitch - Fine Tune
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp & Filter Envelope Release
Step Seq - Mod FX Mix
Speed - Reverb Mix

Strings Hit (Min Chord) - 1 Layer - Filthy, noisey 1 shot string hit. Available Chords - (Min)

MW - Vibrato
AT - N.A.
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Detune Amount
Pitch - Portamento Time
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Delay FX Mix
Speed - Mod FX Mix

Strings Hit (Min7 Chord) - 1 Layer - Filthy, noisey 1 shot string hit. Available Chords - (Min7)

MW - Vibrato
AT - N.A.
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Detune Amount
Pitch - Portamento Time
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Delay FX Mix
Speed - Mod FX Mix

Swept Chord (Min7) - 1 Layer - Chord Hit - Sample sourced from a mix of the Oberheim/Sequential OB-6, Sequential Prophet Rev2 and the Korg Prologue. Available Chords - (Min7)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter LFO Amount
Pitch - Unison Detune Amount
Shape - Amp Envelope Attack
Gate - Amp Envelope Release
Step Seq - Delay FX Mix
Speed - Pitch Env Decay Time

Synth Bleepin - 1 Layer - Bleeps and Bloops - This multisample contains 3 ancient samples of the Korg MS-2000.

MW - Vibrato
AT - N.A.
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Delay FX Mix
Pitch - Unison Voice Parameters
Shape - Mod FX Mix
Gate - Random Pan
Step Seq - Delay FX Mix
Speed - Portamento Time

Synth Claps - 1 Layer - Synthesized Claps - 8 samples of synth claps. 4 samples of layered group claps and 4 samples of single claps.

MW - N.A.
AT - N.A.
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - N.A.
Pitch - Transpose
Shape - N.A.
Gate - Amp Env Sustain
Step Seq - N.A.
Speed - N.A.

Synth Hit (Maj Chord) - 1 Layer - Major chord hit. Available Chords - (Maj)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Tremolo
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter Cutoff & Filter LFO Depth
Pitch - Pitch Envelope Amount
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - N.A.
Speed - Pitch Env Decay Time

Synth Hit 2 (Maj Chord) - 1 Layer - Major chord hit. Available Chords - (Maj)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff & Amp Env Sustain
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter Cutoff & Filter LFO Depth
Pitch - Portamento Time
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter & Amp LFOs Depth, Filter Cutoff
Speed - Mod FX Mix

Synth Kit - 4 Layers - Synth Drum Kit - split across 4 layers. Layer A = Kicks, Layer B = Claps & Snares, Layer C = Hats & Cymbals, Layer D = Shakers. Use the sample performance mod knob to change the kick sound if you don't want to use the octave buttons.

MW - N.A.
AT - N.A.
JSX - N.A.
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff, Resonance & Delay FX Mix
Timing - Pre FX Mix
Sample - Transpose
Pitch - Transpose
Shape - Amp Env Decay & Sustain
Gate - N.A.
Step Seq - N.A.
Speed - N.A.

Synth Strg Octaves - 1 Layer - Synth Strings - Large synth string octaves.

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Env Sustain
JSX - N.A.
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter & Amp LFO Depth, Filter Cutoff
Pitch - Unison Voice Parameters
Shape - Filter Env Attack & Decay
Gate - Filter & Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Pan LFO Mod
Speed - Pan LFO Rate

Tite Uni - Combo - 3 Layers - Unison chord hits with a synth bass layer on the left hand and synth keys on the right hand. Available Chords - (sus4/7, maj7, min7)

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Cutoff, Tremolo & Pan LFO Mod
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Sample Lane Step Select & Mod FX Mix
Pitch - Unison Voice Parameters, Transpose & Mod FX Rate
Shape - Amp Env Attack & Mod FX Timbre (Resonance)
Gate - Filter & Amp Env Release & Filter LFO Depth
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth, Amp & Pan LFO Depth & Fade
Speed - Filter LFO Rate & Amp & Pan LFO Rate

Tite Uni Chord Split - 3 Layers - Unison chord hits in a split configuration. 3 different chords with identical settings. Available Chords - (sus4/7, maj7, min7)

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Random Pan
Pitch - Unison Voice Parameters
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Tite Uni Chrd (Sam Knob) - 1 Layer - Unison Chord Hits. Use the sample performance or layer mod knob to select one of three different chords. Available Chords - (sus4/7, maj7, min7)

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Sample Lane Step Select
Pitch - Unison Voice Parameters
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Tite Uni Maj7 - 1 Layer - Unison Chord Hits. Available Chords - (maj7)

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Random Pan
Pitch - Unison Voice Parameters
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Tite Uni Min7 - 1 Layer - Unison Chord Hits. Available Chords - (min7)

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Random Pan
Pitch - Unison Voice Parameters
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Tite Uni Sus47 - 1 Layer - Unison Chord Hits. Available Chords - (sus4/7)

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix & Time
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Random Pan
Pitch - Unison Voice Parameters
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Tite Uni Wave Seq - 1 Layer - Wave Sequence using all the Unison Chord Hit samples. Available Chords - (sus4/7, maj7, min7)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff & Shape Offset
JSX - Pan
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff & Resonance
Timing - Timing Lane End Step Select
Sample - Sample Lane End Step Select
Pitch - Unison Voice Parameters
Shape - Shape Lane Step Select & Amp Env Attack
Gate - Gate Lane Step Length
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Wave Sequence Speed & Filter LFO Rate

Trevko Double Hit - 2 Layers - Chord Hit - This one shot hit is composed of 3 synths. The OB-6, the Prophet Rev2 and the Sub37. They were layered and mixed down to create this sample. Available Chords - (maj)

MW - Vibrato
AT - N.A.
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff & Resonance
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter LFO Depth
Pitch - Portamento Time
Shape - A Amp Env Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Env Release
Step Seq - N.A.
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Trevko Hit - 1 Layer - Chord Hit - This one shot hit is composed of 3 synths. The OB-6, the Prophet Rev2 and the Sub37. They were layered and mixed down to create this sample. Available Chords - (maj7)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Pan LFO Depth
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff & Resonance
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Filter LFO Depth
Pitch - Unison Voice Parameters
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Delay FX Mix
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Verbie - 4 Chord Split - 4 Layers - Chord Hits - 4 different chords in a split configuration. Available Chords - (Maj7, Maj9, Min7 and Min9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff & Resonance
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voice Parameters
Pitch - Pitch Env Depth
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - LFO Filter Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Verbie - Combo - 4 Layers - Chord hits and synth bass on the laft hand. Animated poly synth on the right hand. Available Chords - (min7/11, min9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff, Resonance & Filter Crossfade
JSX - Pan
JSY - N.A.
Master - Filter Cutoff, Filter Crossfade
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voice Parameters, Sample Lane Step Select, Mod FX Mix
Pitch - Portamento Time, Pitch Env Depth, Pitch Lane Step Select, Unison Voices
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - LFO Filter Depth, Delay FX Mix
Speed - Filter LFO Rate, Amp LFO Rate, Pan LFO Rate, Delay FX Time

Verbie - Maj7 - 1 Layer - Chord Hit - Maj7 chord hits. Available Chords - (maj7)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voice Parameters
Pitch - Pitch Env Depth
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Verbie - Maj9 - 1 Layer - Chord Hit - Maj9 chord hits. Available Chords - (maj9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voice Parameters
Pitch - Pitch Env Depth
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Verbie - Min7 - 1 Layer - Chord Hit - Min7 chord hits. Available Chords - (min7)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voice Parameters
Pitch - Pitch Env Depth
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Verbie - Min711 - 1 Layer - Chord Hit - Min7/11 chord hits. Available Chords - (min7/11)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voice Parameters
Pitch - Portamento Time
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Filter & Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Verbie - Min9 - 1 Layer - Chord Hit - Min9 chord hits. Available Chords - (min9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voice Parameters
Pitch - Pitch Env Depth
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Verbie - Stereo m711+m9 - 2 Layers - Chord Hits - Min7/11 and Min9 chord hits combined into a stereo configuration. Available Chords - (min7/11, min9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voice Parameters
Pitch - Portamento Time
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Verbie - Stereo Maj7&9 - 2 Layers - Chord Hits - Maj7 and Maj9 chord hits combined into a stereo configuration. Available Chords - (maj7, maj9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voice Parameters
Pitch - Pitch Env Depth
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Verbie - Stereo Min7&9 - 2 Layers - Chord Hits - Min7 and Min9 chord hits combined into a stereo configuration. Available Chords - (min7, min9)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voice Parameters
Pitch - Pitch Env Depth
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Verbie - 5Chrds (Sam Knob) - 1 Layer - Chord Hits - All 5 Verbie chord hits are available via the sample performance mod knob. Available Chords - (maj7, maj9, min7, min9, min7/11)

MW - Vibrato
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - Pan
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Unison Voice Parameters
Pitch - Pitch Env Depth
Shape - Amp Env Attack
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Filter LFO Depth
Speed - Filter LFO Rate

Waves Cleaved - 2 Layers - Chord Hits - This performance is a layered setup using the "Bouncing Filters" and "Filthy Syn String" programs.

MW - Vibrato & Vibrato Rate
AT - Filter Cutoff
JSX - N.A.
JSY - Reverb Mix
Master - Filter Cutoff
Timing - Resonance
Sample - Mod FX Mix
Pitch - Unison Voices
Shape - Portamento Time
Gate - Amp Env Release
Step Seq - Pan Mod
Speed - Delay FX Time, Filter Amp, Pan LFOs Rate