We are extremely pleased to announce Volume II for the Moog Sub/Subsequent 37! Last year we released Volume I, "73 for the 37", which consisted of 73 patches in total. Volume II completes the bank and then some with 64 brand new patches! With Volume II we tried to focus more on lead and bass sounds. According to the categories, you get 22 Leads and 12 Basses. However, many of the sounds in the other categories are also up to the task. We spent a considerable amount of time working with the envelopes' key tracking and velocity settings to really make these patches spring to life under your fingers.
If you already own Volume I "73 for the 37", please check your email for an extra special discount code! If you haven't received the discount code let us know so we can get you sorted.
Nearly every patch in this collection comes complete with extensive modwheel, aftertouch and velocity assignments. These sounds are meant to be played and programmed to be extremely expressive. Many of these sounds use the sequencer as an extra modulation source. (Usually when both LFOs are already busy and we still wanted to add some vibrato or do something extra with the MW) Quite a few of the bass patches sound absolutely great as leads and vice versa. Here's a break down of what you get...Sorted by category.