Welcome to our "clickable" patch list page for the Minilogue XD. Simply click the preset names below for cued up YouTube demos that open in a new window. Thanks for checking out our sounds!
joystick => lfo intensity & mod fx depth
aftertouch => crossmod
(Bass Sequence - Duo)
joystick => multi shape & cutoff
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Poly Synth)
joystick => mod fx depth & cutoff
aftertouch => delay depth
(Beat Sequence)
joystick => vco 1 level & amp env attack
aftertouch => lfo intensity
joystick => eg intensity & eg attack
aftertouch => lfo intensity
joystick => lfo intensity & delay depth
aftertouch => reverb depth
joystick => vco 2 level & amp env release
aftertouch => eg attack
(Bass Sequence - Unison)
joystick => cutoff & resonance
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Poly Synth)
joystick => lfo intensity & cutoff
aftertouch => multi level
(Beat Sequence)
joystick => eg intensity & amp env decay
aftertouch => eg attack
joystick => lfo intensity & voice mode depth
aftertouch => lfo rate
joystick => lfo intensity & eg intensity
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Poly Synth)
joystick => lfo intensity & cutoff
aftertouch => lfo rate
joystick => mod fx depth & cutoff
aftertouch => mod fx rate
joystick => lfo intensity & portamento time
aftertouch => cutoff
joystick => amp env release & lfo rate
aftertouch => voice mode depth
joystick => lfo intensity & voice mode depth
aftertouch => eg intensity
joystick => eg decay & eg decay
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Beat Sequence)
joystick => lfo intensity & eg decay
aftertouch => reverb depth
(Poly Synth)
joystick => multi level & gate time
aftertouch => delay depth
joystick => lfo intensity & eg intensity
aftertouch => lfo intensity
(Poly Synth)
joystick => mod fx depth & delay depth
aftertouch => vco 1 shape
(Poly Synth)
joystick => mod depth & amp env release
aftertouch => delay depth
(Lead - Unison)
joystick => lfo intensity & cutoff
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Poly Synth)
joystick => mod fx depth & cutoff
aftertouch => mod fx rate
(Beat Sequence)
joystick => multi shape & cutoff
aftertouch => eg intensity
joystick => lfo intensity & cutoff
aftertouch => lfo rate
(Poly Synth)
joystick => lfo intensity & cutoff
aftertouch => delay depth
joystick => lfo intensity & mod fx depth
aftertouch => cutoff
(Musical Sound FX)
joystick => mod fx depth & lfo rate
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Poly Synth)
joystick => mod fx depth & eg intensity
aftertouch => mod fx rate
(Poly Synth)
joystick => mod fx depth & delay depth
aftertouch => multi level
(Poly Synth)
joystick => amp env release & cutoff
aftertouch => delay depth
(Bass - Duo)
joystick => lfo intensity & cutoff
aftertouch => eg decay
(Guitar/Pluck - Poly Synth)
joystick => crossmod & cutoff
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Poly Synth)
joystick => mod fx depth & amp env release
aftertouch => mod fx rate
(Poly Synth)
joystick => vco 2 pitch & mod fx depth
aftertouch => mod fx rate
(Lead - Unison)
joystick => lfo intensity & voice mode depth
aftertouch => reverb depth
joystick => lfo intensity & eg intensity
aftertouch => voice mode depth
joystick => eg intensity & amp env release
aftertouch => gate time
(Poly Synth)
joystick => lfo intensity & voice mode depth
aftertouch => delay depth
joystick => delay depth & cutoff
aftertouch => mod fx depth
joystick => gate time & cutoff
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Bass - Unison)
joystick => lfo intensity & cutoff
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Beat Sequence)
joystick => cutoff + & cutoff -
aftertouch => delay depth
(Poly Synth)
joystick => lfo intensity & cutoff
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Poly Synth)
joystick => lfo intensity & amp env release
aftertouch => mod fx depth
(Synth Strings - Duo)
joystick => mod fx depth & cutoff
aftertouch => lfo intensity
(Poly Synth)
joystick => cutoff + & cutoff -
aftertouch => lfo intensity
joystick => lfo intensity & delay depth
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Bass - Mono)
joystick => mod fx depth & resonance
aftertouch => cutoff
joystick => crossmod & cutoff
aftertouch => delay depth
joystick => mod fx depth & lfo intensity
aftertouch => mod fx rate
joystick => resonance & amp env decay
aftertouch => delay depth
joystick => multi level & gate time
aftertouch => delay depth
(Poly Synth)
joystick => lfo intensity & delay depth
aftertouch => voice mode depth
joystick => lfo rate & cutoff
aftertouch => lfo intensity
(Synth Strings - Duo)
joystick => lfo intensity & delay depth
aftertouch => mod fx rate
(Bass - Mono)
joystick => eg decay & lfo rate
aftertouch => eg intensity
(Lead - Unison)
joystick => mod fx depth & lfo rate
aftertouch => mod fx rate
(Bass - Unison)
joystick => lfo intensity & cutoff
aftertouch => voice mode depth
(Lead - Mono)
joystick => lfo intensity & cutoff
aftertouch => multi level
joystick => mod fx depth & eg attack
aftertouch => vco 2 pitch
(Bass - Unison)
joystick => lfo intensity & cutoff
aftertouch => delay depth