This patch list features the preset name, category and a brief description of the sound. We've added a few notes in italics where appropriate. Click the preset names for cued up demos in a new tab.


- Arpeggio -

Plump arpeggio using the "Order" pattern. The MW Increases the filter cutoff and the resonance. Aftertouch adds osc 1 vibrato and osc 2 pwm.


- Arpeggio -

Tight arpeggio that also uses the "Order" pattern setting. The MW increases the envelope times while aftertouch is adding some pwm to both oscillators.

- Bass -

Fat synth bass sound with a very dynamic velocity response. The MW is adding vibrato. Velocity is increasing the filter envelope decay and the filter envelope amount.

- Bass -

Highly resonant synth bass with great velocity dynamics. The MW is adding vibrato and aftertouch is opening the filter quite a bit.

- Bass -

The synth bass patch uses pwm to produce a highly detuned character. Velocity is controlling the filter envelope amount and aftertouch is opening the filter. The MW is not assigned.

- Bass -

This resonant patch produces a sharp, almost clicky attack with medium to high velocities. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is opening the filter.

- Bass -

This patch uses just 1 oscillator to produce a pure saw tone with great velocity dynamics. Velocity is increasing the filter envelope amount, the filter cutoff and the envelope times. The MW uses the sequencer as an extra modulation source for vibrato while aftertouch opens the filter and changes the oscillator shape just a bit.

- Bass -
Both oscillators are set to nearly full triangle shapes with just a little of the saw for some brightness. The MW adds vibrato and aftertouch opens the filter.


9. WunderBass

- Bass -

This synth bass patch has a long-ish release and great velocity dynamics. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is opening the filter.

- Bass -

Pure square waves make up this hollow sounding synth bass patch. Velocity is controlling the filter envelope amount, the MW adds vibrato and osc 1 pwm. Aftertouch opens the filter, detunes osc 1 slightly and pushes the osc 2 shape into pulse wave territory.

- Bass -

This synth bass patch uses the LFOs to produce a filter mod/oscillator shape sequence. LFO 1 is set to dotted 8th notes while LFO 2 is set to 1/4 notes.

- Bass Sequence -

This patch is a 32 step bass sequence. Velocity is modulating the filter envelope decay and the sustain as well as the filter envelope amount. The MW is opening the filter.


13. Sweepy Sweetly
- Classic Synth Sweep -
Huge, resonant synth sweep with the filter envelope set to restart upon every note. The MW and aftertouch are not assigned.


- Classic Sample and Hold Arpeggio -

Both LFOs are using the sample and hold source to independently modulate the pitch (just a little), filter cutoff and the oscillator shapes. The MW and aftertouch are not assigned.

- Classic Lead -

This velocity dynamic patch has osc 2 tuned to a minor 6th interval. It works great for stabs and lead melodies. The MW adds vibrato while aftertouch opens the filter.

- Classic -

Both LFOs are used in sync mode to produce a filter cutoff/osc shape mod sequence. The MW uses the sequencer as an extra mod source to open the filter.

- Classic Musical Effect -

Play short staccato notes for a longer release and sustained notes for a shorter note length. The MW and aftertouch are not assigned.

- Classic Animated Drone -

This simple patch was inspired by some classic sci-fi sounds of the 50's - 60's. The MW closes the filter via the sequencer as a mod source. Use the arpeggiator/sequencer rate knob to control the LFO rates simultaneously.

- Lead -

This patch is one of our favorite leads in this collection. Just 2 saw waves with the filter envelope set to restart upon each new note. The MW adds vibrato while aftertouch is opening the filter.

- Lead -

Funky, velocity dynamic synth lead sound with the MW adding vibrato and velocity controlling the filter envelope amount and osc 2 pitch. Hard sync is engaged. Aftertouch is not assigned.

- Lead -

The filter envelope is used to control the pitch of osc 1 and tune it to a perfect 5th after a fast attack and decay ramp. The MW is adding some osc 2 vibrato. You may need to adjust either the LFO 2 pitch amount or the filter envelope sustain to fine tune the pitch of osc 1. Our Sub37 is getting a bit old and while we did the full calibration routines found in the manual before starting on this bank, your results may very.

- Lead -

This patch is a simple pwm lead that uses the filter envelope to modulate osc 1 and 2 wave shapes. The WM adds vibrato. Increase the filter envelope attack and decay to extend the length of the pulse width mod.

- Lead -

LFO 2 modulates the osc 2 pitch and osc 1 pw or shape. The WM adds osc 1 vibrato while aftertouch is not assigned.

- Lead -

This patch is a distant cousin of the patch above. This time the filter is darker, the mod is slower depending on the pitch and osc 2 is modulated by 4 semitones. The MW adds vibrato.

- Lead -

Perky Sync is a hard sync lead that uses aftertouch to modulate osc 2 pitch. We suggest changing the "Slew" parameter found in the global "Pressure Calibration" sub menu. A setting of around 1500 produces a smooth onset and offset of aftertouch. The WM adds vibrato.

- Lead -

This patch is a simple brass like sound with a slight osc 2 pitch ramp in the attack. The WM adds vibrato.

- Lead -

This legato lead uses the noise lfo to modulate osc 2 beat frequency. This adds a very sweet detune effect. The WM is using the sequencer as an extra mod source to opent he filter. Aftertouch is adding vibrato.

- Lead -

Gooey legato synth lead. Aftertouch opens the filter and introduces a heavily detuned osc 2 to the mix. The MW adds vibrato.

- Lead -

Many of these patches use the additional envelope controls. (Knob Shift On Functions) Envelope delay, hold and kb track are especially pronounced in this patch. The MW closes the filter and shifts the osc 1 shape. Aftertouch adds a scratchy, noisy character.

- Lead  Pad -

This patch is wobbling by default. The MW removes the wobble completely. Aftertouch increases the rate of said wobblings.

- Lead -

LFO 1 is used as an echo and modulates the filter cutoff as well as osc 2 beat frequency. The MW changes the timing of the echos.


- Sync Lead -

Velocity is controlling the filter envelope amount with a generous resonance level to create a velocity controlled wah effect. The MW and aftertouch are not assigned.

- Lead -

The filter envelope's exponential attack curve setting is used in this patch to produce a smooth snap in the attack. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch opens the filter.

- Lead -

A negative filter envelope amount adds a subtle click to the attack of this patch. The MW adds vibrato and aftertouch opens the filter.

- Lead -

Negative because the filter envelope amount is set to a negative value. The slow-ish filter envelope attack and high resonance produces a fizzy sweeping attack. The MW adds vibrato while aftertouch opens the filter and increases the sub osc level.

- Lead -

Both oscillators use the triangle wave shape but the filter envelope is adding a fast wave shape ramp and a slight detuning of osc 2 to the attack. The WM adds vibrato.

- Lead -

Lots of resonance and a fast filter envelope attack/decay add a subtle bump and squeak to the attack of this legato lead. The MW adds vibrato and osc 1 shape mod.

- Lead -

Legato lead with a soft pop in the attack. The MW uses the sequencer as an extra mod source to add some osc 2 vibrato.

- Lead -

Self oscillating filter lead. The MW adds some deep vibrato while aftertouch increases the vibrato rate.

- Lead -

The MW is adding osc 2 vibrato and aftertouch is producing a scratchy, brighter tone.

- Lead -

Noisy, hot sounding synth lead. The MW is adding vibrato and osc 1 shape mod.

- Lead -

The filter envelope is set to loop and it's modulating osc 1 shape. The MW is adding vibrato and osc 2 shape mod. Aftertouch is not assigned.

- Lead Pluck -

Dynamic and noisy synth pluck. Velocity is modulating the filter envelope depth, osc 2 pitch and wave shape. The MW is adding some vibrato.

- Lead -

Both oscillators are set to pulse wave shapes and osc 2 is detuned quite a bit. The MW is adding vibrato. Aftertouch is not assigned.

- Lead -

The MW is adding vibrato and osc 2 pwm. Aftertouch is not assigned.

- Lead -

Legato lead with the filter envelope modulating osc 2 pitch and osc 1 wave shape. The MW is adding vibrato. Aftertouch is not assigned.

- Lead -

Osc 2 is tuned to a perfect 4th and the resonance is quite high. The WM is adding vibrato while aftertouch is opening the filter.

- Lead -

Electric guitar like tone with the MW changing the filter slope. All 4 options are available. Aftertouch is adding vibrato.

- Lead -

Legato lead with osc 1 pitch modulated by the filter envelope. The MW is adding vibrato and increasing the sub osc level.

- Lead -

Legato lead with the MW raising the pitch of osc 2 by 7 semitones. Aftertouch increases the vibrato.

- Lead -

Highly resonant legato lead with a long-ish release. The MW is adding vibrato and oscillator shape mod. Aftertouch is opening the filter and shifting the oscillator shape.

- Lead -

LFO 2 is running at's maximum rate and modulating osc 1 pitch & osc 2 beat frequency. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is not assigned.


- Lead -
Synth pluck with the envelopes set to restart upon each new note. Use the MW to increase the release time, add vibrato and pwm. Aftertouch is not assigned.
- Lead -

Waverly uses the filter envelope in loop mode to modulate the filter cutoff, osc 1 pitch and osc 2 beat frequency. The mod wheel increases the intensity of the filter envelope modulations while aftertouch increass the rate of the filter envelope loop.

- Lead -

This legato lead uses the hi range mode of LFO 2 to produce a fast pulsing of osc 2. The MW is adding vibrato and osc 1 pwm.

- Lead -

The filter envelope is used to detune osc 1 and to modulate the wave shape of both oscillators. Of course it also is modulating the filter cutoff but that almost goes without saying. The MW is adding vibrato and a tiny bit of filter cutoff mod via LFO 1.

- Keys Lead -

Velocity is modulating the volume, the filter envelope depth and osc 1/2 wave shapes to produce a very dynamic response. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is not assigned.

- Lead -

This synth pluck patch uses velocity to modulate the filter envelope depth, osc 2 pitch and wave shape or pulse width. The MW is adding osc 2 vibrato while aftertouch is opening the filter and boosting the resonance.

- Pad -

This patch uses both LFOs to slowly and independently modulate the pitch and wave shape of the oscillators. The MW uses the sequencer as an extra mod source to produce some osc 2 vibrato.


60. Gated Space
- Percussion -
Noise snare or finger snap with what sounds like a thick gated reverb. The MW increases the gated reverb length...Or the amp envelope release time. Try all the different octaves/pitches for drastically different tones.


61. Flinty Snare
- Percussion -
Noise snare with a hammer on rock quality. The MW adds a pulsing filter and vca mod. C3 on the Sub's keyboard is a good place to start but try all the different octaves/pitches for drastically different tones.


62. Claps (G3)
- Percussion -
Convincing hand claps produced by extremely fast sample and hold modulation of the filter cutoff and filter slope setting. The MW turns this into a completely different sound.


63. Deep Snare
- Percussion -
Big snare sounds at C2, C3 or C4 but try all the different octaves/pitches for drastically different tones.


64. Sonar Snare
- Percussion -
Short staccato notes produce a falling pitch release while sustained notes do not. The MW adds some noise LFO texture to the tone.


65. Snared Tom
- Percussion -
Try C0 or C1 for kick drum tones and C2 - C3 for tom drums.


66. Ambient Decay
- Percussion -
Short staccato notes produce a longer release time while longer sustained produce a shorter duration. The MW uses the sequencer as an extra mod source and changes the tone.


67. Bongo Fuzz
- Percussion -
Play G2 through G3 for the most bongo like tones.


68. Kicking
- Percussion -
Large kick drum with a variable attack pitch ramp via the MW.


69. Sine Kick (Tight)
- Percussion -
Sine wave produced by the self oscillating filter. The MW increases amp envelope decay for more sustain. You may need to adjust the filter cutoff to fine tune the pitch.


70. Sine Kick in C
- Percussion -
Same as above except this patch has a bit of release time added and the MW controls the filter cutoff, or in this case the pitch. You may need to adjust the filter cutoff to fine tune the pitch.


71. Hard Kick&Snr
- Percussion -
The MW is changing this sound from a kick at C0 through C1 to a snare at G2 through C5. Try turning on the sequencer and playing the lowest octaves.


72. Suborine (G2)
- Percussion Sequence -
Synth tamborine sequence. The MW is increasing the amp envelope release time to produce flourishes. Try quickly raising the MW just before the 2nd and the 4th beat and then releasing the note on the beat. Different pitches have drastically different tones.


73. Shaken Sub
- Percussion Sequence -
Loose shaker sequence. The MW and aftertouch are not assigned. Different pitches have drastically different tones.


74. Shook
- Percussion Sequence -
Tight shaker sequence. The MW increases the amp envelope release time and is most pronounced on the 2 and the 4. Different pitches have drastically different tones.


75. Zip Zap Perc
- Percussion -
A fast filter envelope decay produces the pitch ramp in the attack. Velocity modulates the decay time. Low velocities produce a slower "thwak" and higher velocities produce a faster "thwak".


76. Rezo's Velocity
- Percussion -
Self oscillating filter thwak with great velocity dynamics. The MW controls the pitch.


77. Rezonna Plug
- Percussion -
Self oscillating filter thwak with a slower attack. The MW adds some vibrato while aftertouch adds sustain and controls the pitch.


78. Self Osc Flapper
- Percussion -
Self oscillating filter thwak with a medium fast attack. The MW adds some high speed filter cutoff mod.


79. Hats On
- Percussion -
Synth hats with the MW partially opening the hat. Turn on the sequencer for a simple hat sequence.


80. Just a Hat
- Percussion -
Synth hat with more of a metallic tone. The MW opens the hat.


81. Ride Cymbal 2
- Percussion -
Clangorous synth cymbal. The MW and aftertouch are not assigned.


82. China Crash
- Percussion -
Use the lower octaves and try adding a hipass filter.


83. Dynamic Triangle
- Percussion -
Triangle or bell percussion sound with higher velocities producing longer release times. Try the sequence in the higher octaves.


84. Tight Viber
- Percussion -
Synth percussion thing...Higher velocities increase the release times and the volume.


85. Thumb Piano
- Melodic Percussion -


86. E Vibra Slap
- Percussion -
Noisy vibra slap with velocity modulating the volume, the filter envelope depth and the rate of the vibrations.


87. Pitch Pops
- Percussion -
Electronic percussion sound with velocity controlling the amount of pitch modulation depth via the filter envelope. The MW is lowering the pitch and increasing the evelope times which creates a nice kick drum in the lower octaves. Check the sequence.


88. LoSlow-HiFast
- Percussion Sound FX -
Lazer canon or electronic snare. Lower pitches have slower envelope times.


89. Razed Sub
- Sequence -
Absolutely fried synth drum sequence. The keyboard octave setting is down by 2 octaves.


90. Numinous Funk
- Sequence -
Weird synth noise and percussion sequence with lots of swing. The MW increases the resonance slightly according to the sequence mod lane.


91. Pinchers
- Sequence -
Miniature crabs scurrying on the beach.


92. Inertial Confinement
- Sequence -
1 part Wonka contraption and 1 part Dr. Seuss Juice. The MW is reducing the filter cutoff via the sequencer mod lane.


93. Drum Junky
- Sequence -
Drum beat sequence. Use the MW for a more retro vibe.


94. Slope Kit
- Sequence -
Heavy Hitting drum sequence on the lowest C note. Use the MW for a darker, cleaner version.


95. Sloper
- Sequence -
Synth percussion sequence. Use the MW to add noise and crackles. Aftertouch drops the pitch and boosts the ext feedback level.


96. SwungBeat-C1
- Sequence -
Use the lowest C note for the full version. Higher notes make the hats and snare disappear on account of the keyboard tracking settings. (filter and envelopes) The MW closes the filter and boosts the ext feedback level.


97. Tiki Totems
- Sequence -
Simple drum beat sequence. The MW and aftertouch are not assigned.


98. Saw's Beat
- Sequence -
Another drum beat sequence with the MW opening the filter and increasing the noise level.


99. Soft Metals
- Perc Sequence -
Whiplash percussive beat sequence. The MW increases the envelope times.


100. Nucleosynthesis
- Sequence -
Dual sequences with this "Duo" patch. Osc 1 is producing the low booms and osc 2 is doing the higher notes. The MW is raising osc 2 pitch, opening the filter and boosting the resonance.


101. Hatzies
- Sequence -
Electronic hats sequence. Change the LFO 2 "Pitch Amt" knob to change the character/tone. Change the LFO 2 "Mod 2 Amt" knob to give the envelope times more of a random feel.


102. Octavius
- Sequence -
Simple synth sequence bassed on octaves. The MW is adding osc 2 vibrato while aftertouch is opening the filter and increasing the envelope times.


103. Marpo Harx
- Bass Sequence -
Heavy synth bass sequence with the MW opening the filter and aftertouch adding some vibrato and pwm.


104. Sesame
- Bass Sequence -
Noist bass sequence with the MW adding some 8th note pulses to the filter cutoff and the oscillator wave shapes.


105. Fixed Ratchets
- Bass Sequence -
Synth bass sequence with the MW bringing the sub osc into the mix. Aftertouch is adding some osc 2 vibrato and osc 1 shape mod.


106. Tumble Dry
- Bass Sequence -
Synth bass sequence with the MW opening the filter and adding some shape mod to both oscillators. Aftertouch is not assigned.


107. Catacombs
- Bass Sequence -
Synth bass sequence with a soft filter envelope attack. The MW is reducing the filter envelope attack time, adding some osc 2 vibrato, increasing the amp envelope release time and closing the filter just a little.


108. Feathers
- Sequence -
Synth noise sequence with accents on the 2 and 4. The MW is modulating the amp envelope attack which puts even more of an accent on beats 2 and 4. Aftertouch is closing the filter, increasing the amp envelope release, detuning osc 1 and adding some osc 2 vibrato.


109. Dissonant Days
- Bass Sequence -
Tight synth bass sequence with hard sync engaged. The MW is modulating osc 2 pitch via LFO 2 while aftertouch is increasing the envelope times and raising osc 2 pitch. When the MW and aftertouch are used together you get a dissonant, clangorous tone.


110. Synchro Seq
- Bass Sequence -
Synth bass sequence that uses the hard sync function and velocity to modulate osc 2 pitch. The MW is turning up the sub osc level while aftertouch is adding vibrato.


111. At Length
- Sequence -
Synth percussion sequence with a less heavy sound. The MW is increasing the amp envelope release on the snare hits and aftertouch is closing the filter and increasing the amp envelope decay.


112. Subtraction
- Bass Sequence -
Heavy synth bass sequence with a velocity generated filter mod pattern. The MW is increasing the sub osc level while aftertouch is detuning osc 2, opening the filter and reducing the resonance.


113. Let it Drop
- Bass Sequence -
Thick synth bass sequence that starts off with the gate length at 100%. The MW shortens the gate lengthwhich separates the sequencer notes and aftertouch is opening the filter, reducing the resonance and adding some osc 2 vibrato as well osc 1 pwm.


114. TalkinHands
- Sequence -
Synth percussion sequence.


115. Toroidal Pinch
- Bass Sequence -
Heavy, hard sync bass sequence with the MW increasing the filter envelope attack. Using the MW with short, fast moves changes the feel and timing. Aftertouch is opening the filter, pushing osc 2 pitch up into the classic sync sound and shifting osc 1 wave shape from saw to square.


116. Bendwise
- Sequence -
Synth sequence. One of the only patches with external clock sync turned on as default when the patch is loaded. Use the MW and aftertouch together to hear the rhythmic filter and wave shape mod produced by the LFOs.


117. Bumpins
- Sequence -
Synth kick or bass sequence. The filter multidrive is maxed out so this patch has a heavy sound from the start. The MW is adding resonance while aftertouch is opening the filter and increasing the envelope times.


118. Soft Percushy (C2)
- Sequence -
Soft synth percussion sequence with a retro synth tom character. The MW is turning up osc 2 while aftertouch is opening the filter and shifting the osc 1 wave shape.


119. Bumply
- Sequence -
Synth kick or bass sequence. The MW is opening the filter and turning up the sub osc level. Aftertouch is removing the pitch ramp in the attack.


120. Enveloops
- Sound FX -
Ominous pulsing with both envelopes in loop mode. The MW increases the pulse rate while aftertouch in mot assigned.


121. Ah Boom Bahz
- Sequence -
Synth kick or bass sequence. The MW closes the filter and decreases the pitch ramp in the attack. Aftertouch is not assigned.


122. Sweepy Sickly
- Sync Synth Sweep -
Slow and sinister filter sweep with the MW adding a vocal growl quality to the tone. Aftertouch is not assigned.


123. Bass & Snare
- Sequence -
Synth bass and snare drum sequence. LFO 1 uses the sequencer mod lane as it's modulation source. The MW and aftertouch are not assigned.


124. Onslaught
- Sound FX -
Sci-fi impact sound with lots of LFO 1, hi speed modualtion. The MW and aftertouch are not assigned.


125. Pestilence (C2)
- Sound FX -
Insects...Flies to be precise. Also great for building suspence of something horrible to come. The MW is closing the filter.


126. Sub Implosive
- Sound FX -
Implosion sound with a fast fade in on the filter and the amp. The MW opens the filter and reduces the filter envelope amount.


127. Crack that
- Sound FX -
Whip...Crack of a whip. Try the higher octaves. The MW and aftertouch are not asssigned.


128. Whipped Air
- Sound FX -
Whip cutting through the air.


129. Random Alloys
- Sound FX -
Random metallic sci-fi percussion hits. The MW uses the sequencer as an extra mod source to close the filter.


130. Howling LFOs
- Sound FX -
Anguished is the Sub 37. The MW opens the filter via the sequencer as a mod source.


131. Coalesced Light
- Sound FX -
Self oscillating filter lazer shots. The MW reduces the filter envelope attack time to produce a tight resonant thwak sound.


132. Severely Random
- Sound FX -
With the amp envelope latch setting engaged, this patch does it's own thing. The highest notes/pitches produce a nice electronic stream of consciousness.


133. SciFi Ambience
- Sound FX -
Both envelopes have latch turned on so this patch sounds without keyboard interaction. The MW modulates osc 1 pitch, noise level and filter cutoff via LFO 1. Aftertouch removes the pulsing completely.


134. Low Freaqey
- Sound FX -
Sci-fi machine noise with lots of turbulence. Play high pitches and release the note when the pitch starts to dive downward.


135. Sprung
- Sound FX -
Springy, bouncy sound effect. The duration of the note played changes the release characteristics. The MW adds some fast vibrato. Aftertouch is not assigned.