This dual layer patch has the tape echo assigned to the main layer only. If the echo is too strong for your needs try adjusting the balance knob to favor the sub layer a little. We love this patch for 3 and 4 note ethereal chords as well as leads. Duo mode is engaged so watch your note count.

This patch uses a split set to F4. The left hand gets a very dynamic electric piano chord sound. Soft velocities keep it mellow and high velocities work on the brilliance. The right hand gets a single VCO saw lead. Both layers are set to legato for smooth action but the electric piano (left) works great for staccato rhythmic parts as well.

This dual layer patch is a mix of a pwm pad and a glimmering, arpeggiated synth tone. Slow lead melodies sound incredible. Sustained low octaves are massive and complex sounding.

This single layer pad is a dynamic yet powerful favorite of ours. It's VCO thick but it also has a digital layer lower in the mix. Duo mode is engaged but the note count remains high due to using only one layer.

(Poly Synth)
This patch uses the VCOs exclusively. Velocity is controlling the filter eg and VCO 2 detune. This patch works great for chord progressions, chord stabs, bass lines and arpeggios.

This patch has both layers assigned to the arpeggiator. Voice spread is used for some heavy stereo action. The modwheel smooths things out a little and gives an almost backwards/reverse like feel to the rhythm.

Prologue Chill is a simple percussion sequence with a kick drum and some "peak" flavored noise swells. C3 has a nice mix of bass and definition. The modwheel adds lots of resonance to produce a nice ringing tone as well as changing the attack on the kick drum.

This dual layer patch is another all VCO affair. The main layer has both oscillators tuned to perfect 5ths. A medium slow attack and generous release give it a smooth feel. It's rather large as well. 

This velocity dynamic patch is a dual layer arpeggio with some nice bite in the attack. The modwheel really brings the attack into focus by increasing the gate time of the arpeggiator from almost nothing, 8% to nearly 40%. This produces longer notes which allow more of the attack to be heard.

This patch is extremely sensitive to velocity and it starts off on the dark side. Set the initial brightness with the modwheel. Then play something with varied velocities and fine tune the modwheel again. There's a tiny bit of the "Peak" noise source in the mix as well.

This patch is a classic mix of a dark, plucky arpeggio and synth strings. Try playing something using just 2 notes. One in the lower octaves and a melody in the middle/upper octaves. 2 notes is quite filling with this one. 

Extra large, dual layer, duo mode strings here with a nice bump in the attack via the portamento. Watch your note count, using duo mode on both layers reduces the polyphony significantly. To get rid of the bump, simply turn off the portamento.

This patch is a pleasant mix of a soft arpeggio and yep, you guessed it, synth strings. The Prologue is just so good at strings! The modwheel adds some classic pwm to the arp and good old vibrato to the strings.

Perfect fifths...One of our favorite intervals. This patch sounds great doing high  and low octaves. The modwheel adds crossmod and vibrato.

(Poly Synth)
This is a simple and rather large arpeggio that uses a high voice depth setting with duo mode for some extra weight. Both the modwheel and velocity are increasing the filter envelope intensity.

Dusty Club is using chord mode for both layers. It has a dream like quality that sounds great doing simple chord progressions. The electric piano is doing a sus2 chord and the strings are playing a Maj7 chord. 

(Poly Synth)
A simple synth pluck and then a slow fade into a beautiful, moving sustain phase. The main layer is using the pitch eq function on VCO 2. The modwheel is simply increasing the filter cutoff for both layers.

TranceLogue is a split (C4) with an arpeggiated bassline on the left hand and a polyphonic trance like synth on the right. The synth (right) uses the pitch eg and velocity to increase the VCO 2 detune amount.

Prehistoric is another one of our favorites. It's a large synth pad with an ethereal arpeggio in the background. The arpeggiator's bpm is set to the absolute maximum. (600 bpm)

(Poly Synth)
This patch is simply satisfying to play. It's large and very responsive to velocity
for some great dynamics. Low octaves sound massive and it sounds great doing staccato or sustained chords.

(Poly Synth)
This dynamic, dual layer patch is great for 3 and 4 note chords. Duo mode is engaged so the voice count is reduced. More than 3 notes at a time is almost too much with this one.

Every sound set needs some drums so here they are. The split is at F#3. You get a big, noisy kick drum on the left and a metallic snare in the middle/upper octaves. The highest octaves (use the octave buttons) can even be used as hi hats as long as the snare and hat aren't triggered on the same beat.

This single layer patch is a simple dark arpeggio that is great for soft, delicate chords or melodies. Velocity is modulating the filter just a little and the modwheel is introducing the LFO to the filter. This adds more of a pluck to each note.

This patch is another split with a resonant arpeggiated bassline on the left and a pwm heavy poly synth on the right. Both are using velocity to modulate the filter. The synth is great for sustained and staccato chords.

This dual layer patch is a soft, string like arpeggio mixed with a big pwm string section. Low octaves are absolutely massive. The modwheel adds a playful sounding vibrato and increases the delay depth.

This patch is all about the attack. Short, fast staccato notes in the upper octaves really do a nice flute sim. The sustained sound is really rough and gritty but luckily the modwheel gets rid of that.

This single layer unison lead is using the LFO at it's absolute maximum speed for some filter fm action. (Too bad the LFO can't track the keybed) Oh well, it's still a nice sound created by a super fast LFO. It makes the patch sound gritty and alive at the same time.

This patch uses a little trick that we've used a few times with the Prologue. Basically we use the LFO to mask or hide a small chunk of the sound. In this patch, the LFO is rhythmically hiding the arpeggio every four beats. The modwheel increases the filter cutoff which reveals the full arpeggio.

In the Bliss is a mix of a 24th note arpeggio and a unison lead. This patch was originally a split with the arp on the left and the lead on the right. Right? Then we tried it as a layer and enjoyed the results immensely.

The sound of a classic electric piano device ran through a sweetly saturated amplifier. This patch is nicely dynamic...Both the filter and the volume respond to velocity. The modwheel is adding a really fast, deep vibrato via the mod fx. Small doses...

Just a single lonely saw wave, some filter drive and much resonance. This legato lead is extremely responsive to velocity and this creates the wah like tones. This is a dual layer patch but the sub layer is just being used for the extra modwheel and midi aftertouch assignments that become available.

This patch is using 6 saw wave oscillators. Its a big, slow pad with a long release time. The modwheel is simply pushing the pitch of VCO 2 in opposite directions on the 2 layers. No fx are used with this patch.

(Poly Synth)
This patch uses just a touch of the VPM oscillator with the post fader setting. It has a somewhat metallic tone mixed with the square waves from the VCOs. The modwheel increases the amp envelope release time.

Mellow Strong is a smooth legato lead sound that uses the VPM sine wave as the foundation. The modwheel is assigned to the mod fx depth for some vibrato while aftertouch is increasing the rate of the vibrato.

The arpeggio in this patch reminds me of insects for some reason. This patch is comprised of a poly synth mixed with a simple arpeggio. The poly synth has no sustain and just fades out. Midi aftertouch can bring it back though for some nice volume swells.

This patch is another split with a sweet 7sus4 chord on the left hand. On the right hand you get a smooth self oscillating filter lead. The modwheel produces
vibrato on both layers.

(Poly Synth)
This patch is another one of our favorites. The modwheel opens this patch up with a glittering, beautifully modulated sound that makes this patch great for quiet chords or brilliant glittering zeniths.

This patch is a simple mix of an electric piano and synth strings. The strings have a slow-ish fade in so you can play leads with the piano without the strings interfering. Sustained notes will allow the strings to softly fade up.

This patch is a space aged synth pad with the sub layer immersed 100% in the Hipass delay. Warm synth strings with a smooth metallic overtone that drenched in echo. The sub layer can sound like it has been reversed depending on how long you hold a note.


 This patch is a simple sequence produced with the arpeggiator and both LFOs in bpm sync mode. The main layer is producing a hi hat like percussion sound while the sub layer is in unison mode. The modwheel is increasing the arpeggio gate time as well as modulating the voice depth of the sub layer.