Volume II, 64 Brand New Custom Patches for the Korg Minilogue XD!
Greetings and thanks for taking a look at our new Minilogue XD Patches! Volume II contains 64 custom patches (as well as quite a few extras) and includeds pads, arpeggios, poly synths, leads, chords, plucks, synth bass sounds, drums and sound effects. These patches include full assignments for the joystick as well as midi aftertouch. Aftertouch plays a big part in most of the patch demonstrations in the videos below. If you don't have an aftertouch enabled controller you can still make use of midi aftertouch by adding it in the DAW of your choice or whatever sequencer you might be using.
What is included?
Official Korg Librarian Files: 1 Bank File, 89 Individual Preset Files.
Volume II patches sorted by category:
The performances in the videos make use of the usual controllers. Velocity, modulation (both Y+ and Y-), midi aftertouch and pitch bend. In other words, we didn't tweak the knobs in these performances.