9 Free Patches for your Moog Sub 37

9 Free Patches for your Moog Sub 37

Robust American Patches
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This page contains our original free patches for the Sub 37. We've recently updated this collection and added 28 additional patches for a grand total of 37 Free Patches! So head over to our new page, 37 Free Patches for the Sub/Subsequent 37, for all the info!


4 of these patches have been posted on the Sub 37 Cookbook site for years. (The ones in yellow below) They were originally listed under my old username, "Chimponaut" The folks over there were kind enough to change the "submitted by" name to Robust American Patches recently and that pleased us very much. You can find the complete patch list and descriptions file here. A list of the included patches is below. Clicking the names will open a YouTube page cued to the sound in question for a handy demonstration.



These 9 patches are included in the 73 for the 37 Bank when purchased. However, there is no bank file associated with this collection of free patches. They are delivered as individual sysex files that can be loaded into the official Moog Editor or sent to the Sub 37 with your favorite sysex tool. Sysex Tools: PC Midi-Ox Mac Snoise

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